St. John's Episcopal Church, Roseville
Greeters offer hospitality and oversee the orderly gathering of GOD'S people for worship. Outreach is part of the Greeters’ ministry, since often times we are the first members of St. Johns that meet guests at our parish. Greeters greet and assist worshipers and guests, provide outreach, and pray for the congregation. Being a Greeter is an excellent ministry to learn about St. John's and meet many of the members.
I am thinking on participating in this ministry, what are the duties and responsibilities?
Glad you asked! Here is an outline of greeter duties:
Contact Sandy Sydnor for more information or to sign up. Click on the button below to send Sandy an email.
Fax: 916-786-6403
2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd,
Roseville, CA 95747
United States