St. John's Episcopal Church, Roseville
What to Expect
Ushers or Greeters will give you a Sunday bulletin which includes our service so you can participate. You can also follow along on the media screens. We call our service “Eucharist” which is simply an ancient Greek term for Giving Thanks. Our liturgy is corporate which means that everyone has an essential part in worship – singing, praying, and sharing the peace of God. We usually stand to sing (the best posture for singing) and either stand or kneel for prayer and reverence for the Lord. If either kneeling or standing is uncomfortable, feel free to sit. You may encounter both traditional hymns and contemporary Christian praise music. Feel free to join in, whatever your voice.
The first part of the Service, called the Ministry of the Word, is very Protestant. Three readings from Scripture and a Psalm are shared and commented upon in a sermon. It is a time of reflection, a time of prayer, and a time of general confession for our failings.
After the Confession and the absolution, the Peace is exchanged. Liturgically, it’s a time when Christians greet one another with a hand-shake or a hug to symbolize our harmony before receiving Holy Communion. At St. John’s, the exchange of the Peace is exuberant as people embrace with heart-felt affection. If a friendly hug isn’t your style, simply extend your hand to offer a handshake or fold your hands and bow. Our Peace is too enthusiastic! We truly believe that we are passing a symbolic and spiritual message of peace through Jesus Christ.
A time of family business follows the peace. Often announcements of upcoming activities are given. The priest will bless those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. If you would like to make an announcement or you have a birthday or anniversary you would like blessed, please text Father Cliff by Saturday prior to the Sunday service.
(707) 235-9728.
The second part of the Service, called Holy Communion, is very Catholic. We believe that Christ is “truly present” through the Sacrament of Bread and Wine to all who receive him through faith. What does “truly present” mean? We simply take Jesus at his word as he says in Mark 14, “this is my body…this is my blood.” While we don’t speculate on how Christ is present in the Sacrament, we experience his presence and rejoice as we take him into our hearts and souls.
All are welcome to receive Holy Communion at God’s Table. Please follow your neighbors to the Altar rail and hold out both hands, right over the left, to receive the Bread. Communion is offered in the form of blessed wine and bread. We believe that the elements once blessed spiritually contain the real presence of Christ. Individuals are welcome to receive the host (bread) alone, or by having the host dipped into a chalice of wine, and then placed in the palm of your hand. If you wish to receive a blessing but not Communion, come to the Altar rail and simply fold your arms over your chest when the wafer and the wine are offered. The priest or deacon will say an appropriate blessing.
Children may receive a blessing or the bread and wine if they are ready to do so in the eyes of their parents. Prayers are available at the altar in the rear of the church during Communion for whatever needs you bring. Members of the prayer team will pray quietly and confidentially for you. We have witnessed the power of prayer repeatedly at St. John’s.
During Communion our Praise Musicians often lead the singing of contemporary songs. This is a time for personal worship and people often encounter the Spirit of God in profound ways.
After the Service, please introduce yourself to the priest. Then join us for coffee and goodies. If you are new, check out the Welcome Table in the lobby. There you can pick up information and sign a card with your address so that the priest can write you a note of personal welcome.
St. John’s is an extremely active parish, with many events, social activities, and ministries, which make it very easy for newcomers to connect with the parish family. Our events and ministries are open to all. Check them out in the bulletin and newsletter or click on the links below.
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Fax: 916-786-6403
2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd,
Roseville, CA 95747
United States