St. John's Episcopal Church, Roseville
Your financial support of our ministries helps us create space for others to grow and flourish as we share the transforming love of Christ with one another.
We are grateful for all who are willing to share their time in serving others. There is a role for everyone. Please contact us if you would like to share your gift of time. We will fit your gifts to the needs we serve.
At St. John’s, all are encouraged to join any of our ministries so they may share their talents with our congregation and the communities we serve. Please reach out and let us know what ministry speaks to your soul. We will help you connect. Please scroll below to see what ministries are in immediate need.
St. John’s supports the “Take Space” ministry sponsored by the Neighborhood Wellness Foundation at Grant High School in Del Paso Heights. We regularly supply snacks and basic household goods (deodorant, toothbrushes, laundry soap, etc.) so that those youth who are in need may be supported and nurtured.
St. John’s supports the St. Vincent DePaul Food Locker here in Roseville. We collect non-perishable grocery items and deliver them on a regular basis. Your support helps prevent hunger and homelessness in our community.
There are many ways to provide support for our worship services. Many serve as Eucharistic ministers, Lay readers, musicians, ushers, assist the Altar and Flower Guilds. If you are feeling called to assist please let us know by clicking the button below so that we can have Deacon Marcia or Fr. Cliff reach out to you.
St. John’s is a congregation that supports one another in prayer. Each week our Sunday bulletin provides a list of persons seeking prayer (first names only) and their associated needs. In addition, as the need arises, we also send out emails with prayer requests that have been brought to our attention. We believe that prayer is the way that we fellowship with God and also how He ministers to us. Jesus modeled for us the importance of prayer in times alone with the Father and also taught His disciples how to pray for those in need. We desire to live in this way as Jesus taught us.
St. John’s is an active supporter of The Gathering Inn, Placer County’s premier provider of services to the homeless in our community. Whether it is serving nutritious meals while providing a safe place to sleep at night, or providing needed clothes and toiletries for the guests, St. John’s comes alongside TGI and joins with them to reach out and lift up our brothers and sisters in need. Send us a message to let us know of your interest in assisting in this ministry.
Fax: 916-786-6403
2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd,
Roseville, CA 95747
United States