Prayer is a powerful way to experience and share God's love. Even the initial sincere offer to pray for someone or some concern touches the heart. It was the primary activity of Jesus' earthly ministry. At St. John's, those who are being prayed for share time after time how much they felt God's presence and God's grace-filled response.
Here are some ways to receive prayer:
- Come to the back altar after you receive communion any Sunday that you wish prayers for any reason. Someone will be available to pray quietly and confidentially with you.
- To place a prayer concern in the following Sunday's announcements, contact Fr. Cliff or Pat Kuethe (ext. 3) at the church, by Wednesday.
- A confidential prayer chain is also ready to pray immediately if you need prayers right away or if you feel sensitive about the issue. hese volunteers are truly confidential. Contact Fr. Cliff or Pat Cannariato.
- If you would like to be on the regular roster to pray with people, contact Cynde Martin or Pat Cannariato. Also let them know if you would like to learn more about praying for others.