St. John's Episcopal Church, Roseville

 Bereavement Support Group

Meetings: 1st & 3rd Friday of the Month 10:00am-12:00pm

Hospitality Room at St. John’s Episcopal, Roseville

Check the Church Calendar in case of changes

Co-Facilitators: Pat Kuethe & Mike Luken

Anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one is welcome to join the group at any time. The mission of this group is to provide lay-led grief support groups for those who are grieving.  They are now walking together with a common interest and speaking a similar language of grief that has resulted from their new lives.  Together they discover renewed emotional strength through support from each other, and they are realizing a new sense of self-empowerment to more comfortably take control of their new lives.  The group is open to members of the community.


Contact Pat Kuethe or Mike Luken with any questions and to sign up.




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