St. John's Episcopal Church, Roseville


Ushers offer hospitality and oversee the orderly gathering of God's people for worship. Outreach is part of the Usher's ministry, since many times we are the first members of St. Johns that meet guests at our parish.  Ushers greet and assist worshipers and guests, provide outreach, pray for the congregation, count attendance, collect the offering, assist communicants at the altar rail and Celebrant as directed, while maintaining a comfortable environment.  Being an usher is a good ministry to learn about St. John's and meet many of the members.

I am thinking on participating in this ministry, what are the duties and responsibilities?

Glad you asked! Here is an outline of usher duties:

  • Commit to one Sunday a month to usher
  • Welcome newcomers with a friendly smile and if needed help them find a seat
  • Sit in the back of the church during the service to assist with opening/closing doors and directing traffic or answering questions (i.e. where is the restroom)
  • Hand out bulletins to any latecomers
  • Take a count of all parishioners at the church
  • Direct Parishioners to Communion
  • Inform Father Cliff of members who need communion brought to their seats
  • After the service, pick up bulletins and secure the offering
  • Give the church count to Father Cliff
  • You may be asked to volunteer to usher at special events such as weddings or funerals

Detailed Description of Duties

Contact Bob Pritchard for more information or to sign up. Click on the button below to send Bob an email.

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